Attribute DSL

We provide an attribute based DSL for converting attributes into the fields dictionary, with a classmethod for creating a create_spec object for the class.

So we can define something like:

class MyAmazingKls(dictobj.Spec):
    one = dictobj.Field(string_spec)
    two = dictobj.Field(string_spec, wrapper=listof)
    three = dictobj.NullableField(string_spec)

Which is equivalent to

class MyAmazingKls(six.with_metaclass(Field.metaclass, dictobj)):
    one = Field(string_spec)
    two = Field(string_spec, wrapper=listof)
    three = Field(string_spec, nullable=True)

Which is equivalent to:

class MyAmazingKls(dictobj, Field.mixin):
    fields = {"one": string_spec, "two": listof(string_spec()), "three": defaulted(or_spec(none_spec(), string_spec()), None)}

and have MyAmazingKls.FieldSpec().normalise for normalising a dictionary into an instance of MyAmazingKls!

class input_algorithms.field_spec.Field(spec=<class 'input_algorithms.spec_base.NotSpecified'>, help=None, formatted=False, wrapper=<class 'input_algorithms.spec_base.NotSpecified'>, default=<class 'input_algorithms.spec_base.NotSpecified'>, nullable=False, format_into=<class 'input_algorithms.spec_base.NotSpecified'>, after_format=<class 'input_algorithms.spec_base.NotSpecified'>)

Representation of a single Field

This has a reference to the mixin and metaclass in this file.

It also let’s you define things like:

  • Whether this is a formatted field

  • has a default

  • Is wrapped by some other spec class

make_spec(meta, formatter)

Create the spec for this Field:

  • If callable, then call it

  • If is nullable * or the spec with none_spec * if we have an after format, do the same with that

  • if it has a default, wrap in defaulted

  • If it can be formatted, wrap in formatted

  • If it has a wrapper, wrap it with that

  • Return the result!


class input_algorithms.field_spec.FieldSpec(kls, formatter=None, create_kls=None)

Responsible for defining the Spec object used to convert a dictionary into an instance of the kls.


Assume self.kls has a fields dictionary of

fields = {name: (description, options)}


fields = {name: options}

Where options may be:

  • A callable object to a spec or Field

  • A spec

  • A Field

If it’s a Field, we create a spec from that

Finally we create a create_spec with all the fields

normalise(meta, val)

Normalise val with the spec from self.make_spec

class input_algorithms.field_spec.FieldSpecMetakls

A metaclass that converts attributes into a fields dictionary at class creation time.

It looks for any attributes on the class that have an attibute of “is_input_algorithms_field” that is a Truthy value

It will then:

  • Ensure FieldSpecMixin is one of the base classes

  • There is a fields dictionary containing all the defined Fields

static __new__(metaname, classname, baseclasses, attrs)

Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.